

My name is Brett Pfeiffer and I'm an art director in Southern California. When I'm not shutting down freeways at magic hour or exploring underground tunnels behind video village, you might find me spattered with screen-printing ink or behind the lens of my favorite prime 50. I love Southern California, but don't love traffic so I prefer to travel by Cessna whenever I can. If you listen closely you might be able to hear me making some noise with my Les Paul Custom or cheering for the Halos at the Big A.


Thanks for checking out my work and don't be afraid to drop me a line ... I'm really quite nice.



EMAIL Brett@BrettPfeiffer.com    |    PHONE 714.801.3990

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Brett Pfeiffer © 2018  |  California USA  |  714.801.3990  |  Brett@BrettPfeiffer.com

EMAIL Brett@BrettPfeiffer.com

PHONE 714.801.3990